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Stacks of Coins

Tax Planning


Our experience with tax laws will help you to take advantage of all the legal deductions and credits that are available to you. The breadth of our expertise spread across the areas of property rental, professional services and retail sales. By working with us, you can rest assured that you are receiving the advice of a staff dedicated to helping you reach the best bottom line possible.

Our offerings also include the applicability in levy of Central Tax, Sales Tax Laws and matters regarding assessment & appeals. Our expertise lies in offering consultancy support in the areas of VAT Registration & Audit, Refund application for exporters, advisory services in applicability of the Service Tax and procedural compliances like registration and assessment.

In addition to our tax planning advice, we also provide a representative for you before the Tax Authority. We assist with partnership, corporate, or estate tax preparation and manage your receipts for tax-free donations for nonprofit organisations.

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